Eclipse Section Blog
Call for All Eclipse Observation Reports, Images

Everyone is asked – even at this late date – to submit their images, sketches, drawings and written reports of any observed eclipses — solar, lunar, annular, total or partial — as soon as possible after the event to the ALPO Eclipse Section Acting Coordinator John O'Neal for use in his report to the ALPO membership in an upcoming Journal of the ALPO.

In order to make his report as scientifically valid as possible, please include as much observational data as possible including:

  • Your name and exact observing location
  • Exact date and time of the observation/image exposure
  • Exposure timing details
  • Estimate of the lunar or solar altitude above your horizon and azimuth (direction)
  • Brand and model of the equipment (telescope, mount, eyepiece, camera, mobile phone camera brand and model)
  • General weather conditions (ambient temperature, sky conditions, etc.)
  • Your own commentary about what you observed

Please send all material to John O'Neal - thank you!

Call for Lunar Eclipse Observation Reports, Images

Lunar Eclipse 2022

Even though the event occurred several weeks ago, everyone is asked even at this late date to submit their images, sketches, drawings and written reports of the November 6, 2022 lunar eclipse as soon as possible to the ALPO Eclipse Section Coordinator Keith Spring for use in his report to the ALPO membership in an upcoming Journal of the ALPO.

In order to make his report as scientifically valid as possible, please include as much observational data as possible including:

  • Your name and exact observing location
  • Exact date and time of the observation/image exposure
  • Exposure timing details
  • Estimate of the lunar altitude above your horizon and azimuth (direction)
  • Brand and model of the imaging equipment (telescope, mount, eyepiece, camera, mobile phone camera brand and model)
  • General weather conditions (ambient temperature, sky conditions, etc.)
  • Your own commentary about what you observed

Send all material to:
Keith Spring
2173 John Hart Circle
Orange Park, FL 32073

E-mail address —


2021 Eclipses

May 7, 2021

In 2021 we will have 4 Eclipses: 2 Lunar, 1 Annular Solar, and 1 Total Solar.

The eclipse schedule for this year can be found here.

We are looking for high participation in these events!

REMINDER: Please send your submissions to If possible, also include the equipment used, the weather conditions, and location of the observation. I look forward to seeing all of your submissions!


Keith Spring 

Eclipse Section Coordinator

Request for Images/Observations

Everyone is asked – even at this late date – to submit their images, sketches, drawings and written reports of any observed eclipses — solar, lunar, annular, total or partial — as soon as possible after the event to the ALPO Eclipse Section Acting Coordinator John O'Neal for use in his report to the ALPO membership in an upcoming Journal of the ALPO.

In order to make his report as scientifically valid as possible, please include as much observational data as possible including:

  • Your name and exact observing location
  • Exact date and time of the observation/image exposure
  • Exposure timing details
  • Estimate of the lunar or solar altitude above your horizon and azimuth (direction)
  • Brand and model of the equipment (telescope, mount, eyepiece, camera, mobile phone camera brand and model)
  • General weather conditions (ambient temperature, sky conditions, etc.)
  • Your own commentary about what you observed

Please send all material to John O'Neal - thank you!

Eclipse schedule for 2020

In 2020 we will have 6 eclipses: 4 Partial Lunar, 1 Annular Solar and 1 Total Solar.
The eclipse schedule for this year can be found here.

We are also accepting photos and reports for the 12/26/19 Annular Solar Eclipse. Please send your submissions to as well as to the ALPO eclipse email address: . If possible, also include the equipment used, the weather conditions, or any other details you see fit.

I would like to personally thank, David Teske, David Tyler, Frank J Melillo, Germán Morales, Guilherme Grassmann, Howard Eskildsen, John O’Neal, Michael Boschat, and Theo Ramakers for submitting images of the 11/11/19 Mercury Transit. We received a great turnout of 62 submissions, which have been archived, and can be found under the 2019 Mercury Transit Gallery link, in the right side bar of the Eclipse Section Page.

Keith Spring
Acting Coordinator , Eclipse Section