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Best Images Yet from BebiColombo
9/5/2024 logo
The ESA/JAXA spacecraft BepiColombo made a successful flyby at Mercury on Sept. 4th, sending back its best images yet as it flew within 165km of the planet. The successful maneuver will slow the spacecraft down to enable it to eventually orbit Mercury starting in November 2026. The B&W images were taken using the “M-CAM”, the main science camera is shield and will provide higher resolution images once BepiColumbo starts its scientific investigation in earnest.

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Meteorites from Tharsis and Elysium?
8/23/2024 logoScientists at the University of Alberta have been studying some of the 200 meteorites in their collection that have been identified as originating from Mars. By examining the meteorites' “shock features” they were able to estimate the size of the impact craters that could have launched the meteorites, enabling them to speculate that the Martian rocks were ejected from craters formed in the Tharsis and Elysium regions of the planet.

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Check the Events Calendar
All Times are in Universal Time (UT)

Mercury at dichotomy (morning sky)

2024-09-06 17:00
Spica 0.5° south of Moon, occultation NE North America, Africa

Saturn at opposition

2024-09-08 05:50
Rhea Transit

2024-09-10 13:00
Antares 0.1° north of Moon, occultation Africa to Indonesia

2024-09-11 06:06
First Quarter Moon

2024-09-11 07:10
Dione Transit

Jupiter at western quadrature

2024-09-14 00:50
Dione Transit

Mars reaches 7.0" in size