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BepiColombo Successful Flyby of Jan 8th
ESA Logo
BepiColombo successfully captured stunning images of Mercury during its flyby on January 8, 2025. The spacecraft flew to within 183 miles of Mercury's surface, providing detailed views of the planet's north pole and volcanic plains. These images reveal the rims and shadowed floors of craters that are among the coldest places in the Solar System despite Mercury's proximity to the Sun. The mission aims to search for frozen water in these regions as well as learn more about the tiny planet's volcanic history.

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Amateur Revises Cloud Composition
1/6/2025 Logo
Amateur astronomer Dr. Steven Hill out of Colorado has recently helped redefine the composition of Jupiter's clouds. Dr. Hill's method of simply comparing the brightness in adjacent, narrow colored filters suggests that the clouds of Jupiter are actually at deeper pressures and so cannot be composed of pure ammonia ice. It turns out the main cloud deck is likely ammonium hydrosulfide mixed with photochemical, smoggy products that are brown in color.

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Check the Events Calendar
All Times are in Universal Time (UT)

2025-01-16 13:51
Jupiter NTB Outbreak on CM

2025-01-16 23:46
Jupiter NTB Outbreak on CM

2025-01-17 09:42
Jupiter NTB Outbreak on CM

2025-01-17 19:37
Jupiter NTB Outbreak on CM

2025-01-21 05:00
Spica 0.1° north of Moon, occultation Africa

2025-01-21 20:31
Last Quarter

2025-01-23 15:40
Titan shadow transit begins (~5 hrs)

Antares 0.3° north of Moon, occultation Australia

2025-01-29 12:36
New Moon, lunation 1263

2025-02-01 05:00
"Saturn 1.1? south of Moon, occultation Asia"

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