It is the ultimate goal of the A.L.P.O. Venus Section to attempt to assemble a completely homogeneous mass of accurate, reliable observational data collected over many apparitions, permitting an exhaustive statistical analysis. It is hoped that we might derive enough from painstaking observations and analysis to help provide some answers to questions that continue to perplex us about Venus.
   Venus Blog
Venus Discontinuity Imaged

We have a sighting of Venus’ Atmospheric Discontinuity in an IR (820-920 nm) observation of Venus taken by ALPO member Luigi Morrone captured on July 17th. As seen in his image below, the atmospheric rift appears as a “gouge” in the cloud deck.

 This is a wonderful example of how amateur observers can continue to contribute to scientific investigation of our Solar System. As noted in an article in Sky & Telescope, “The quality and precision of the instrumentation available to amateur astronomers has improved markedly in recent years. They are now able to make really important contributions to the study of planetary bodies in our solar system that seriously complement what the professionals can do.”

We encourage all Venus section members to try to image the planet in IR to see if they can record the presence of this enigma in the planet’s atmosphere. All observations, whether including the discontinuity or not, should be sent to the section coordinator at . Please follow the guidelines when submitting images.

Congratulations Luigi, job well done!

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   Venus News Headlines
Parker Probe Swings by Venus
11/5/2024 Logo
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is slated to have its seventh and final swing by our sister planet Venus on November 6th. These encounters tighten its choreographed orbit around the Sun, with this last one bringing the craft to within 3.8 million miles of its surface. While the Sun is the principal object for investigation, the plucky spacecraft has also been helpful examining our sister planet. During the last encounter in July 202, scientists were surprised to find the spacecraft's camera could peer through the dense clouds all the way to its surface, revealing distinct features, such as continental regions, plains and plateaus.

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Venus Discontinuity Spotted Again

Newsweek logoThe Venus Cloud Discontinuity, first reported in 2016, has been captured again by ALPO member Luigi Morrone in recent images as the planet emerged from superior conjunction. Scientists are not sure why this unique atmospheric wall formed and continue to study it to learn more. Congratulations to Luigi for imaging the rift and underscoring how amateur astronomers still contribute to scientific investigation.

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Oxygen Uncovered in Venus' Atmosphere

 German scientists using data obtained from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) have detected molecular oxygen on our sister planet. While observed before on the nightside of Venus this marks the first time it has been detected in the day-lit regions as well. 

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   Event Calendar

Feb 16, 2025
Venus at greatest brightness

Mar 22, 2025
Venus at inferior solar conjunction

Apr 24, 2025
Venus at greatest brightness

Full Venus Section Calendar