Solar Section        


September 3, 2020

Summaries for Carrington Rotations CR2228-CR2230

By Theo Ramakers

A Short Summary of CR2230

Carrington Rotation CR2230 covered the time period from 2020-04-24 1529 UT – 2020-05-21 2100 UT.

The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2230 which can be accessed at:

The rotation brought us 21 spotless days, with a spotless streak of 20 days which was interrupted for 6 days while showing 4 Active Regions. AR2760 emerged on 4/26/2020 and lasted the entire 6 days with the exception that it disappeared for a short time on 4/29. Another region which was named AR2761 showed only for part of a day one day earlier. All regions were very small at 10 millionths, with AR2761 being the exception by increasing to 20 millionths on 4/30 and 5/1. The maximum Wolf Number of 35 was reached on 5/1 when both AR2760 and 63 were reported with 2 spots each. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low with a Total Rotation Active Region Area of 100 millionths, while the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 759 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported two A-class, two B class, and no C-class flares.

This time I would like to feature some combination images showing some prominences at the SW rim.


A Short Summary of CR2229

Carrington Rotation CR2229 covered the time period from 2020-03-28 0857 UT – 2020-04-24 1529 UT.

The observations can be viewed in my Solar Archive for CR2229 which can be accessed at:

The rotation brought us 22 spotless days with a streak of 19 days. We had one Active Region, AR2759, which emerged on 3/31/2020 and lasted for 5 days. The region’s maximum coverage was 30 millionths on April 3 and 4, when it supported 2 and respectively 3 spots. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 738 spotless days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported three A-class, seven B class and no C-class flares.

At this time, I would like to feature some combination images showing AR2759 in three different wavelengths on three different days.


A Short Summary of CR2228

Carrington Rotation CR2228 covered the time period from 2020-03-01 0126 UT – 2020-03-28 0857 UT.

For two days on March 9th and the 10th, the rotation did bring a new active region AR2758. On March 9th as an Hrx, and 10th as a Cro area, however, its size did not exceed 20 millionths.  I did not have the time to keep up with the Reverse Polarized Areas during this rotation, but will catch up for the next summary with a new reverse polarized area report. On March 28rd the current spotless streak stands at 18 spotless days.   Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 716 days. Finally, during the period SWPC reported three A-class, one B class and no C-class flares.


April 25, 2020

Carrington Rotations Commencement Date/Times for CR 2159-2306

A page with the dates & times of Carrington Rotations CR 2159 to 2306 (JAN 2015 thru DEC 2025) as calculated by Jeff Beish are now available using the page link on the right or using this link.

Clear Skies,
Rik Hill


March 3, 2020

A Short Summary of CR2227

Carrington Rotation CR2227 covered the time period from 2020-02-02 1721 UT – 2020-03-01 0126 UT.
At the time of this writing 118 images were submitted for the archives, which is about 100 less than for the previous rotation, and is a result of being around solar minimum and the bad weather conditions. The submissions can be viewed in ALPO’s Solar Archive for CR2227 which can be accessed at:
The rotation did not bring us any new active regions, however, on the fist day AR2757 turned to the far side of the Sun. We noticed some small areas of which a few were reverse polarized, which did not create any Sunspots, . See our overview (pdf) of the Reverse Polarized Areas, by clicking here. On March 3rd. the spotless streak stands at 28 spotless days which gives this solar minimum 6 streaks of 28 days or higher, whereas the previous solar minimum gave us only 3. However, these 3 spotless streaks were much longer than what we have seen so far. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 690. Finally, during the period SWPC reported 3 A-class, and no B- or C-class flares.
This time we would like to feature 3 images submitted by Howard Eskildsen, Theo Ramakers and Guilherme Grassman. Thanks to these and all other observers for submitting their observations Please click the thumbnails below to see the full images in the archive.

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers


February 3, 2020

A Short Summary of Carrington Rotation 2226

Carrington Rotation CR2226 covered the time period from 2020-01-06 0911 UT – 2020-02-02 1721 UT.
At the time of this writing 207 images were submitted for the archives. The submissions can be viewed in ALPO’s Solar Archive for CR2226 which can be accessed at:
The rotation brought us three active regions, AR2755, AR2756 and AR2757, of which one was reversed polarized. In addition to this AR, we had additional reversed polarized areas which lasted days, or just a few hours. AR2757, a cycle 24 area, finally brought an Active Region Area again with a size of 100 millionths, while it was reported as an Hsx area. The last time we saw an area over 100 millionths was AR2745 on May 19, 2019. The highest Wolf number was 18 on January 27th, and the Total Rotation Active Region Area was at 430 millionth. Overall Solar Activity remained Very Low and the rotation increased the spotless days count since solar maximum to 662. Finally, during the period SWPC reported 2 A-class, 5 B-class, and no C-class flares.

This time we would like to feature 3 images submitted by Howard Eskildsen, Theo Ramakers and Jeffrey Carels. Thanks to these and all other observers for submitting their observations Please click the thumbnails below to see the full images in the archive.

Clear Skies,
Theo Ramakers
Assistant Coordinator, the ALPOSS


September 2, 2015

The Carrington event of September2, 1859!

From Spaceweather- September 2nd, 2015

Today is the anniversary of an historic solar storm, the Carrington Event. On Sept. 2, 1859, a CME struck Earth’s magnetic field with such power that telegraph stations caught fire and people in Cuba read their morning newspapers by the red light of the aurora borealis. If a similar storm struck our planet today, it might cause trillions of dollars of damage to society’s high-tech infrastructure. Could the Carrington Event happen again? It almost did just a few years ago. Extreme solar storms–past, present and future–are highlighted on today’s edition of


August 30, 2015

Carrington Rotation Dates released August 30, 2015

Good Morning,

Jeff Beish has supplied the Solar Section with Carrington Rotations dates from CR2092 to CR3082.
These are now availale in pdf download on the Solarblog site under A.L.P.O. SOLAR SECTION EPHEMERIDES page.

Brad Timmerson also supplied a Decimal Date file for CR2166 to CR2230 and is also available on A.L.P.O. SOLAR SECTION EPHEMERIDES page.

Kim Hay
A.L.P.O.Solar Section Co-ordinator


July 24, 2015

Carrington Rotation Dates released August 30, 2015

Carrrington Rotation CR2163 click on CR2163. This has been uploaded to the Solar Section.

There were three observers with 23 submitted images.

Kim Hay
ALPO Solar Section Coordinator


June 28, 2015

Carrington Rotation Dates for CR2166

Title: CR2166
Description: CR2166 begins
Start Date: 2015-07-15
End Date: 2015-08-11


June 28, 2015

Carrington Rotation Dates for CR2165

Title: CR2165
Description: CR2165 begins
Start Date: 2015-06-18
End Date: 2015-07-14


February 14, 2015

Solar Dynamics Observatory- 5 years of Solar Imagery

Here are a couple of great solar movies put out by Goddard Space Flight Centre

5th Anniversay of SDO

Longer Version

and the Difference between Solar Flares and CME’s

Enjoy, Spectaular images.

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