ALPO Computing Section        


December 17, 2009

ALPO Gallery with Member Section

Of course the Arkansas Sky Observatory Image Archive is still active and is a tremendous resource to ALPO, but to augment the archive, a gallery system was installed on the ALPO web server earlier this year.   The gallery can be used as a section website presentation tool for images and sketches by section coordinators.  The system allows image searches through all albums, automatically creates thumbnail images as links to larger versions and has an easy to use image upload interface.  The gallery presents images in hierarchical albums, each containing pages of thumbnails, and the albums or individual images can be directly linked on section websites, or in posts to section groups or in emails.

We’ve also created a “Member Section”, that can be used by any ALPO member for uploading their own planetary imaging or sketching efforts if a “gallery” format is desirable.

Please contact Larry Owens if you are an ALPO member or section coordinator with a desire to use this gallery system.

Here’s a link to the gallery.

Dark skies,

Larry Owens
Acting Coordinator, Computing Section
ALPO Web Manager


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