Lunar Section        


The August TLO is available

The August 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

This issue includes an interesting article on the “Moon Maidens” of Sinus Iridum and a brief report on the 2011 Conference.

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


The July TLO is Available

The July 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,

The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

This issue includes several short articles plus information about the 2011 Conference.

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


June 2011 TLO is Available

The June 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

This issue includes articles on Taruntius and Rimae Fresnel, plus information about the 2011 Conference.

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


May 2011 TLO is available

The May 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

This issue includes articles on Alphonsus, Dawes and Bonpland, plus information about the 2011 Conference.

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


Tony Cook, TLP coordinator, has requested observational support to re-observe the site of a TLP under similar illumination conditions.  Obviously, the time of observation is critical (although I would guess that series of observations spanning the requested time could also be interesting).   The information that Tony provided is below, including the relevant time (On the web link, look for April 15 …. Aristarchus observed by Greenacre on 1963-11-28).  Anyone that can obtain images please send them to both Tony at and me at

On Apr 15 at UT 02:53-06:28 or somewhere within these time limits, depending upon where you are in the States, the illumination + topocentric libration will be the same as it was for the 2nd of the Greenacre TLP in Aristarchus seen on 1963 Nov 28.

Jay Albert and Bob O’Connell plan to observe to get some calibration sketches and images to compare with material that Bob has managed to find on the original observation.

It would be great, in order to maximize chances, if others in North America could take a look and try to obtain some high resolution images (monochrome or colour) to act as a comparison. Full details of the original TLP report and observing times are given on:

for each of the states in the USA and Canada.

I guess what we are trying to do is to see if the event could have been caused by atmospheric spectral dispersion, natural surface colour etc. We’ve tried this before, but higher resolution images would certinly help nail this once and for all.


The April 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

This issue includes information about the 2011 Conference.

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


March 2011 TLO is Available

The March 2011 issue of  The Lunar Observer is available for download from  I apologize for the late release.  Two consecutive computer failures delayed processing.

Thanks to all who contibuted.

Wayne Bailey

acting coordinator, Lunar Topographical Studies


February TLO correction

An updated version of the February TLO has been uploaded to:

This corrects the strange, extraneous (but readable) spaces in the Hays and LTP articles.

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO
The February 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO


The January 2011 issue of the A.L.P.O. Lunar Section’s monthly newsletter,
The Lunar Observer, has been uploaded to:

Thanks to all who contributed,

Wayne Bailey,
Editor, TLO

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