Comet Section        




Outbound Comets

C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) [T = 2013 Dec 22, q = 0.81 AU]

Comet Lovejoy is now over a month past perihelion. It was quite the comet last December when it peaked around magnitude 4.5, sporting a multi-degree long tail and displaying a number of strong near-nuclear jets. Now receding from both Earth and Sun, the comet has faded to magnitude 7.5. It starts the month 1.10 AU from the Sun and 1.48 AU from Earth. By the end of the month, the comet will be 1.46 AU from the Sun and 1.59 AU from Earth. The comet should continue to fade from magnitude 7.5 to around 8.0-8.5 during the course of the month. As has been true for its entire observable apparition, Lovejoy remains a morning object.

Inbound Comets

C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) [T = 2014 Feb 21, q = 1.60 AU]

Comet Linear was discovered back in December of 2012. Never expected to become a bright comet, it underwent a major outburst in October brightening from 14th to 7th magnitude. It is now between magnitude 8.5 and 9.0. Since its distance from the Sun and Earth will not change much during February (around 1.60 AU from the Sun and 2.05 AU from the Earth), it should not brighten or fade much. Like Lovejoy, it is also a morning object.

Some Fainter Comets of Interest

C/2012 K1 (LINEAR) is currently around magnitude 12-13. Located at ~3 AU from the Sun, the comet will get much closer to the Sun at its August 27 perihelion (q = 1.05 AU). At that time it will be an easy object for small telescope/binocular observers at 5th-7th magnitude. Similar to Comet ISON, K1 is a dynamically new comet and is already showing signs of a slow-down in its brightening trend. It will be very interesting to watch its brightness development. The comet is a morning object located near the Ophiuchus/Hercules border.

290P/Jager is a short-period comet discovered in 1998 by renowned comet imager Michael Jager. At the time of discovery the comet was on its first trip into the inner Solar System after a close-approach to Saturn (0.016 AU) decreased its perihelion distance from 8.47 to 2.13 AU. This year Jager will pass perihelion on March 12 at 2.16 AU from the Sun. Recent observations place the comet at 12-13th magnitude. It is an evening object this month located near the Gemini/Auriga border.

The Section is always collecting observations (both visual and CCD) and magnitude estimates for all comets. An image gallery has been set up and now contains 301 images of 57 comets.

All ephemerides/positions for the above comets and all other comets can be generated at the Minor Planet Center and JPL/Horizons websites.

- Carl Hergenrother (Comet Section Acting Co-Coordinator)




The following is an updated and expanded version of the ALPO Comet Section Report from the Winter 2014 JALPO (56-1).

Happy New Year!

2013 may not have produced its advertised comet of the century but it did produce 4 naked eye comets (though all were just marginally so). 2014 will also bring many comet observing opportunities with the discovery of additional new bright comets likely.

C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) will start the year around 5-6th magnitude and still be visible in small telescopes (brighter than 10th magnitude) till March as it moves away from the Sun and Earth following its 0.81 AU perihelion on 2013 December 21. During January Lovejoy will slowly fade and can be found moving from Hercules to Ophiuchus.

A bit of a surprise (and an addition to the report published in JALPO) is Comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR). Initially a faint comet, LINEAR was not expected to get brighter than ~12th magnitude near the time of its February 21st perihelion at 1.60 AU from the Sun. Surprisingly the comet was observed as bright as 8th magnitude in November 2013 after experiencing a major ~6 magnitude outburst. Though the outburst has subsided, the comet remains bright at around 9th magnitude at the end of December 2013. Forecasting the brightness of an outburst prone comet is always difficult but it is very possible that this comet will remain a nice small telescope comet through perihelion and beyond. The comet is a morning object and will remain so till the middle of the year. It is observable from the Northern Hemisphere until July and will become visible from the Southern Hemisphere starting in mid-February. In January, LINEAR starts the month around magnitude 8-9 to the southeast of the ‘head’ of Serpens Caput in the morning sky. As the month progresses the comet will move through northern Ophiuchus. By the end of January, comets LINEAR and Lovejoy will be located within 4° of each other.

In addition to Lovejoy, three more long-period comets are expected to become brighter than 7th magnitude in 2014. Comet C/2012 K1 (PANSTARRS) will reach perihelion on August 27 at a distance of 1.05 AU from the Sun. Starting the year at 13th magnitude, the comet will brighten to 7th magnitude in June and July before passing solar conjunction (unfortunately on the far side of the Sun). When the comet remerges from the glare of the Sun in September it will be a 6th magnitude object only observable from the Southern Hemisphere. PANSTARRS should still be around 9th magnitude by the end of the year.

Our next comet was discovered by Michael Ory at the Oukaimeden Observatory in Morocco at 18th magnitude. Comet C/2013 V5 (Oukaimeden) will reach perihelion on October 2 at a distance of 0.66 AU from the Sun. It is too early to be sure, but the comet should be brighter than 10th magnitude by August and as bright as 5-6th magnitude in late September when it passes within 0.46 AU of Earth. Northern Hemisphere observers will loss sight of the comet in mid-September though Southern observers will still be able to follow it into October.

Back in early October, Comet ISON made the news as it came close enough to Mars to allow NASA’s Mars orbiting spacecraft to image it. Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) will pass even closer to Mars on October 19, 2014. Definitely expect to hear more about this comet as it passes within ~150,000 km of Mars resulting in some high-resolution imaging from Mars. For us on Earth the comet should be a 7th magnitude object around its October 2 perihelion (r = 1.40 AU from the Sun). Again Southern observers will see this comet at its best as it will only become observable for Northern observers in November.

The next four comets may not become brighter than 10th magnitude but are worth mentioning. Short-period comet 209P/LINEAR will pass within 0.06 AU of Earth in late May at ~10-11th magnitude (r = 0.97 AU). Dust released by LINEAR during past orbits may result in a significant meteor shower on the night of May 24, 2014. The close approach will also allow imaging by radar telescopes giving us a resolved look at its nucleus. 15P/Finlay is another short-period comet which may be approaching 10th magnitude at the end of the year as it passes perihelion on December 27 (r = 0.98 AU). 2014 will bring not only resolved images of the nuclei of comets C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and 209P/LINEAR, but extremely high-resolution images of the nucleus of short-period comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This year the ESA Rosetta spacecraft will rendezvous with 67P and begin a multi-year campaign to study the comet at close-range. In 2014, 67P will still be around 3 AU from the Sun and around 18th magnitude.

The final comet is currently not a comet at all. Asteroid 2013 UQ4 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on a very comet-like orbit with a period of hundreds of years. There is a good chance this asteroid is a comet that has either not turned on yet or its cometary activity is too weak to be detected. With its closest approach to the Sun on July 5 (1.08 AU) and to the Earth on July 10/11 (0.31 AU), 2013 UQ4 will be magnitude 12.9 if it remains inactive and possibly many magnitudes brighter if active.

Looking into 2015 and beyond there are two comets that could become nice small telescope objects near perihelion but will be faint in 2014. Monitoring their development in 2014 is essential for predicting their future performance. C/2013 US10 (Catalina) doesn’t reach perihelion until 2015 November 15 when it will be 0.82 AU from the Sun. The comet will also come within 0.73 AU of Earth in January of 2016 when it will be somewhere between 6th and 9th magnitude. As of the end of 2013, the comet is 7.8 AU from the Sun and 17th magnitude. Our other long-range comet is C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS) which is currently even further out than US10 at 8.7 AU. Though now only 19th magnitude, it should substantially brighten when it reaches perihelion (1.30 AU on 2016 April 19) and closest to Earth (0.64 AU in late June 2016).

As always, the ALPO Comet Section thanks those who have sent observations during 2013 and solicit new images, drawings and magnitude estimates during the coming year. The Comet Section Image Gallery now contains 267 images of 56 comets including many of those mentioned above.




Comet Spotlight

November saw no less than 5 comets visible in small aperture equipment. December looks to be a quieter month as 2P/Encke is too close to the Sun for observation and C/2012 S1 (ISON) has, like Icarus, succumbed to its close pass of the Sun. Barring any surprises, the best comet of December should be border-line naked eye object C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy).

Outbound Comets

C/2012 S1 (ISON) [T = 2013 Nov 28, q = 0.012 AU]

I won’t spend too much time on ISON as the past few days have seen lots of ISON updates. In short, the comet appears to be nothing more than an ever expanding cloud of dust. Over the next few mornings, observers will be able to pick the comet up in a dark sky. Its current brightness is uncertain but it is unlikely to be brighter than 6th magnitude. It will be interesting to see how long the remains of ISON will be followed.

Inbound Comets

C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) [T = 2013 Dec 22, q = 0.81 AU]

Discovered back in September by Australian amateur Terry Lovejoy, C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) has developed into a wonderful comet. While ISON got all of the press, Lovejoy has turned out to be just as photogenic and visually pleasing. Currently around magnitude 4.5 to 5.0, the comet is also the owner of a long 2+ degree tail. Perihelion occurs on December 22 at 0.81 AU from the Sun. After passing within 0.40 AU of Earth in mid-November, the comet starts the month 0.49 AU and ends the month 1.06 AU from Earth. The increasing geocentric distance will counter the decreasing heliocentric distance and result in a comet that should stay fairly stable in brightness. Lovejoy is a morning object and will spend December moving through the constellations of Bootes and Hercules.

In outburst?

C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) [T = 2014 Feb 21, q = 1.60 AU] and C/2013 V3 (Nevski) [T = 2014 Oct 29, q = 1.39 AU]

Both comets LINEAR and Nevski experienced 5+ magnitude outbursts. Long-period LINEAR still has ~3 months to go before reaching perihelion while Nevski is just over a month past perihelion. Nevski is also a Halley-type comet with an orbital period of ~43 years.

Both comets are morning objects and have faded to fainter than 10th magnitude at this time. Whether either comet experiences another major outburst is unknown but they are definitely two comets to keep an eye on. LINEAR moves from Bootes into Serpens Caput while Nevski moves from Leo into Leo Minor.

The Section is always collecting observations (both visual and CCD) and magnitude estimates for all comets. An image gallery has been set up and now contains images of 40 different comets. Over the next few weeks, I will be rolling out dedicated pages to some of the brighter comets. These pages will be updated as needed with new observations and lightcurves.

All ephemerides/positions for the above comets and all other comets can be generated at the Minor Planet Center and JPL/Horizons websites.

- Carl Hergenrother (Comet Section Acting Co-Coordinator)




Before starting this update on the status of Comet ISON, I would like to put a call out for everyone to send in their ISON images and observations ASAP. We will be producing an article for the next issue of the Strolling Astronomer /JALPO and would like to include as much ALPO produced results as possible. Please send your observations (and especially your images in FITS format, if possible) to Carl Hergenrother [chergen (at)].

It is now over 2 days since Comet ISON made its extremely close pass of the Sun. The comet is currently 0.17 AU from the Sun and moving further away by the minute. It is also 0.87 AU from Earth, a value that will decrease to a minimum of 0.43 AU a few days after Christmas.

There has been a lot of speculation that the nucleus of ISON may have experienced a major disruption (i.e. broke up into many smaller pieces) in the hours prior to perihelion. This speculation was based on a radical change in the morphology of the coma of the comet and its similarity with the morphology of other comets (sun-grazers and non-sun-grazers) that are know to have disrupted and disappeared after such events.

Since perihelion the coma of the comet has failed to regain any appreciable central condensation and looks more and more like a slowly expanding cloud of dust. The lack of a tail pointing in the anti-solar direction also suggests that there has been little dust production since the time around perihelion.

Unless something dramatically changes with ISON, it looks like the comet will reappear in a dark sky sometime this week or next as a large diffuse cloud of less than naked eye brightness. It may not be visually exciting though some wide-field CCD imagers may get some amazing images.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator of ALPO Comet Section)

Image of Comet ISON from the LASCO C3 instrument on the NASA/ESA SOHO spacecraft from 2013-Nov-30 @ 20:42 UT. The comet is the very diffuse cloud near the edge of the FOV at ~1 pm.




Have the reports of ISON’s death been premature? Is the comet back from the dead? Or do we have a case of a ‘zombie’ or ‘ghost’ comet?

Comet ISON is definitely still there and is rather obvious in SOHO LASCO C3 images. The question is what exactly are we seeing.

The evidence:

- ISON experiences a major outburst of some sort in the day prior to perihelion

- it appears to rapidly fade in the hours before perihelion and its coma became diffuse and elongated

- a diffuse comet with elongated coma and two tails reemerged after perihelion

- the post-perihelion comet appears to be brightening slightly as it moves away from the Sun

Ideas as to what happened (text lifted from my comets-ml post from yesterday):

1 – The nucleus of ISON has disrupted into many smaller pieces. It is this cloud of mini-nuclei that continues to sublimate. Rather than a condensed coma we now have a diffuse extended coma that should continues to spread out and fade as individual mini-nuclei move apart (due to variable solar radiation pressure and velocities from the disruption event) and disrupt further. This is what we’ve seem with other disintegrated comets such as C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) and C/2010 X1 (Elenin). Disruption does not mean the comet disappears instantaneously as the mini-nuclei can last for some days or weeks after disruption. In a way, the comet seems to just fall apart.

2- Much of ISON’s coma consisted on small dust particles that were vaporized by the intense heat of the Sun. We saw something similar with C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy) as pointed out by Joe Marcus, Zdenek Sekanina and Paul Chodas in their papers on the subject. If this is the case with ISON, it should ‘regrow’ a strong coma and tail as it moves away from the Sun.

3 – We are seeing something we’ve never seen before.

While it seems like we may be seeing #3 occurring, I’m wondering if we aren’t seeing a mix of #1 and #2. The coma remains very diffuse with little central condensation.

What this means going forward:

We may very well have a comet to observe in a few nights as ISON moves away from the Sun. Whether it will be a traditional comet or just a diffuse cloud remains to be seen. How bright the comet will be also remains to be seen. All I can say is that the saga of Comet ISON is not over yet.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator ALPO Comet Section)

Image of ISON taken with the LASCO C3 instrument on the ESA/NASA SOHO spacecraft on 2013-Nov-29 @ 14:13 UT. Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO/LASCO.




Some material from ISON has survived perihelion and emerged from the SOHO LASCO L2 coronagraph. It will be interesting to see if anything substantial has survived and is able to produce a new coma and tail once it has moved far enough away from the heat of the Sun for small dust grains to survive.

LASCO C2 image from the ESA/NASA SOHO spacecraft taken on 2013-Nov-28 @ 20:36 UT. Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator ALPO Comet Section)




The latest C2 images of Comet ISON from the SOHO spacecraft look very bad. The comet is now extremely smeared out and the brightest part of the ‘coma’ is no longer near the expected head of the comet but some ways down the tail. The question now isn’t will the comet be a spectacular sight in the coming days but there be much of anything to see in the SOHO images by the end of today.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator ALPO Comet Section)

Image of Comet ISON taken with the LASCO C2 imager on the NASA/ESA SOHO spacecraft on 2013 November 28 @ 17:36 UT. Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO.




ISON is not looking good. Recent images taken with the SOHO LASCO C2 imager show the coma smearing out with no bright central condensation. ISON has been a comet of many surprises and its death has been reported (incorrectly) many times. But now it is showing the classic appearance of a comet that has completely disrupted. We’ll have a better idea by the end of the day.

Comet ISON from the LASCO C3 instrument on the NASA/ESA SOHO spacecraft. Image taken 2013 November 28 @ 15:51 UT. Credit: ESA/NASA.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator ALPO Comet Section)




The ups-and-downs of ISON continue. After experiencing a large outburst yesterday, the comet actually appears to be fading now. If Karl Battams estimate of magnitude -1 from this morning is correct, then the comet has faded intrinsically by almost 3 magnitudes from yesterday. Whether the fading is due to the end of yesterday’s outburst or the final disintegration of the comet is still not known. Joe Marcus provided another possible explanation in CBET 3723. He forecast that at ISON’s current distance and closer, sub-micron sized dust grains will literally be vaporized by the intense solar heat. Similar to what was seen with the last good sun-grazer C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy), ISON may fade as the Sun erodes its coma until it is once again 0.03-0.04 AU from the Sun.

Only time will tell and likely we can all watch. The best view is from the SOHO LASCO C2 imagers at . A European mirror site can be found here (it appears to be a few hours behind the NASA site): .

The image below was taken with the LASCO C3 imager on the NASA/ESA SOHO spacecraft. It vividly shows the two dust tails that ISON has produced. According to Zdenek Sekanina (JPL) (also in CBET 3723), the broad but fainter tail is dust released since the major November 14 outburst while the bright thin streamer is composed of larger particles that were released by the comet over the past few years. Some of these particles may have been released as far out as 20 AU from the Sun.

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator of ALPO Comet Section)




Comet ISON is still with us. Here is its current status:

- Millimeter wavelength observations detected a significant drop in gaseous production rates a few days ago which led many to worry that the nucleus may have disrupted. Though still a possibility, the comet’s recent behavior suggests that the drop was due to the end of a recent outburst and the comet may back to its ‘non-outburst’ level.

- Photometry conducted on visible light images taken with the STEREO and SOHO spacecraft show the comet’s decline in brightness to be stabilizing and a slow increase has begun. Still the comet was only around magnitude 3.5 to 4.0 as of yesterday though Matthew Knight of Lowell Observatory has  tweeted that the comet has brightened by a factor of ~4 since it entered the FOV of SOHO’s LASCO instrument last evening.

- Unless the comet undergoes another outburst or starts to rapidly brighten it will probably not be visible to the naked eye or small telescopes at perihelion. Right now it looks like a peak magnitude of -2 to -4 is expected.

- The best resources to follow the action is at:

SOHO LASCO C3 camera (in FOV right now) –

SOHO LASCO C2 camera (in FOV tomorrow) –

- Carl Hergenrother (Acting Co-coordinator ALPO Comet Section)

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