Comet Section        


ALPO Comets Section


Important Links


The monthly ALPO Comet News PDF can be foundĀ here. A shorter version of this report is posted on a dedicatedĀ Cloudy Nights forum. All are encouraged to join the discussion over at Cloudy Nights.

Submit Visual Comet Magnitude Estimates
Submit Comet Images and Drawings to the ALPO Comet Section Archive

ALPO Comet Section Image Gallery (6000+ images of 600+ comets)
ALPO Comet Section Magnitude Database
for Currently Observable Comets
for Past Comets (post-2000)
for Past Comets (1995-1999)
for Past Comets (pre-1995)
for Past Periodic Comets

Carl W. Hergenrother
carl.hergenrother (at)


Assistant Coordinator
Michel Deconinck
trialogmdc (at)

Header montage images/drawings include (clockwise from upper left) C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) by Cecil Post on 1997 Apr 11, rotational gradiant processed image of C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) in outburst by Gianluca Masi on 2013 Oct 25, drawing of C/1987 P1 (Bradfield) by Edwin Faughn on 1987 Nov 21, 209P/LINEAR by Gianluca Masi on 2014 May 26, C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) by Adrian New on 1996 Mar 25, drawing of C/1965 S1 (Ikeya-Seki) by David Meisel on 1965 Nov 1, and C/2006 P1 (McNaught) by John Melka on 2007 Jan 10. All images/drawings can be found in the ALPO Comet Section Image Gallery.

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