

Part of the purpose of this website is to foster rapid communications between the staff and members, as well as to improve the efficiency of distributing observing alerts and reports. To this end, “Observing Alerts” on any aspects of planetary observing needing special attention will be posted. Such announcements will be provided a link on the appropriate Section web page so that browsing observers can more readily take notice.

Please send observing alerts to:

webmaster@alpo-astronomy.org and


Report Forms

All coordinators are encouraged to e-mail a copy of various observing report forms and the instructions for completing them to the web manager for posting. The ALPO website is an excellent place for new and prospective observers to get such forms

Email Addresses

Work on these pages is continual. Updates, changes and your input are both welcome and necessary. If any coordinator has a hyperlink that would benefit a Section page, please send the URL. If you notice incorrect or missing email addresses, it is important for these to be corrected. Please send any changes to: webmaster@alpo-astronomy.org


Coordinator Website Training

A web based publishing system has been installed for use by each ALPO section as an option to current section websites. The system allows the coordinator and associates to perform website updates without special software or knowledge of web publishing. As a bonus, the system provides a number of features to enhance the site, including a “blog” for section alerts (which can automatically post to a Yahoo group), event calendars, a site “search” feature and automated and categorized menu systems. The system can be used in conjunction with the current section site (as is the case with the Mars Section) or the system can replace your current section website (as is the case with the Computing Section). Training is available on the Computing section website, or from This Link. If you would like to make use of these new tools, please contact Larry Owens: webmaster@alpo-astronomy.org