Solar Section        


April 6, 2016

Carrington Rotation 2174, a short summary

CR2174 ran from 2016-02-18 04:08 UT till 2016-03-16 11:58 UT. We received 222 images/observations for this rotation. This is the first time again since April 2011 that we were able to archive over 200 submissions for one rotation.
The rotation started with a total Active Region Area size of 300 millionths and a Wolf Number of 60. It ended with a total region size of 180 millionths, and a Wolf Number of 57. During the period, the Sun showed 22 Active Regions (AR2497 plus AR2501 – AR2522). The highest total Active Region Areas size was 300 on the first day of the rotation, which was mostly contributed to the size of 220 of AR2497, which was turning that day to the far side of the Sun. For the rest of the rotation, the total areas size maxed out for on February 26, at 260 millionths. The largest region during the rotation except for AR2497, was AR2505 which measured 180 millionths on February 22nd. The daily Wolf number reached its maximum on March 5th at 95, which was mainly caused by an increase of the number of areas for one day, rather than spots. The observations/images below, were submitted by Gabriel Corban, Dave Tyler and Howard Eskildsen.
Thanks to everyone for their contributions to the archive.
The ALPO team

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