C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) 2023-Aug-26 Ludovic Prebet

I got up around 4:45 a.m. without really believing it, mainly following the storms last night...
The 18" was not ready, so I had to be happy with the Vixen 125 mm X 54.
Gemini was already quite high.. A glance at SKY, and from the first red dot spotting I'm on it.
It emerges fairly quickly from a light mist and allows me to see at X 54 + "Comet Filter" (on a single eyepiece), its core still marked and off-center towards "The front", even punctual, and a head that could flare out "backwards" like: Start of Tail?!...
A brief look at the magnitude: Compared to nearby HD stars I estimate it around m = 7.6 (So still evolving!...)

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