13P/Olbers 2024-Jul-10 Dan Bartlett


This is the follow-on to having a second rig imaging comet 13P/Olbers imaged July 10, 2024 (see https://astrob.in/ezw5y5/B/ for the closeup using a C14 hyperstar and an asi2600mcP).

From previous night, where comet 13P/ Olbers "feathered" off into fine filaments of plasma streamers (see https://astrob.in/5019c7/B/), this night showed the comet rotating its most active region upward. This image may have caught the plasma tail rising from it's lower position to its upper (less favorable for my target framing) leaving remnants of past lower tail activity. Additionally the sun has been actively shaking up this frosty gaseous visitor disturbing its tail on such a regular basis with unpredictable results.

The broad dust fantail is still very dominant here. The richer cometary colors readily displayed themselves even on the raw comet-aligned and integrated image seen below. Color calibration was performed with PixInsight's SpectrometricColorCalibration process using a white balance of the spectral class of our sun. Ideally this process lends to a more true rendition of a comet/nebula color however saturation of colors is the processor's choice.

One more night of imaging 13P/ until the moon and weather permits otherwise. This has been a personal imaging streak of this comet, nightly since June 22. I have still more than have my data unprocessed. I look forward with interest as this comet reaches earth's MOID on or around June 20.

Full Resolution:

Backyard setup
scope: RASA 11 fl620mm D279mm
exposure: 40 x 60 sec
Transparency 8/10
Observer: DEBartlett
Place: June Lake_California USA (Altitude +7700ft)

Image Info (Processed ):
(All images processed solely using PixInsight)
Projection ............... Gnomonic
Projection origin ........ [2282.439709 1410.763113] px -> [RA: 9 29 45.402 Dec: +42 14 03.03]
Resolution ............... 2.510 arcsec/px
Rotation ................. -2.281 deg
Reference system ......... ICRS
Observation start time ... 2024-07-10 05:01:23 UTC
Focal distance ........... 618.08 mm
Pixel size ............... 7.52 um
Field of view ............ 3d 10' 56.2" x 1d 58' 2.0"
Image center ............. RA: 9 29 45.414 Dec: +42 14 03.18 ex: +0.091650 px ey: -0.019848 px
Image bounds:
top-left .............. RA: 9 38 16.890 Dec: +43 15 45.61 ex: +0.447125 px ey: +0.079952 px
top-right ............. RA: 9 20 49.301 Dec: +43 07 41.95 ex: -0.895433 px ey: -1.077746 px
bottom-left ........... RA: 9 38 25.891 Dec: +41 17 48.58 ex: -0.331185 px ey: +0.443727 px
bottom-right .......... RA: 9 21 30.018 Dec: +41 09 55.95 ex: -0.990937 px ey: +0.174574 px

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