C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 2023-Jan-24 Chris Schur

Comet ZTF E3
in the morning sky

Now the Earth is at orbital plane crossing, the anti-tail can be clearly seen pointing to the left in this 3 degree wide field. The gas tail is more bluish today as seen on the right and lays over the yellow/amber colored dust fan.

This is the first shot we have taken with our new Williams Optics Zenithstar 81, using a televue 0.8x coma corrector. It was very cold this morning and snowed all night long. A clearing at 2am and we shoveled snow off the observatory and rolled it back for this image. An hour later, all the optics had sheets of ice on them.

Lens: Willams Optics Zenithstar 81 at f/5.5
Platform: Astrophysics AP1200
Camera: CMOS OSC cooled
Exposure: 55mins
Location: Payson, Arizona
Elevation: 5150 ft.
Sky: Seeing 5/10, Transparency 4/10
Outside Temperature: 14F
Processing Tools: Maxim DL, Photoshop CS2


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