4P/Faye 2021-Oct-13 Eliot Herman

Comet 4P/Faye after an outburst near perihelion
Comet 4p Faye is a historic comet on its 22nd return since discovery with a perihelion on September 8 2021, this photo capture being five days after. Discovered in 1843 by Herve Faye when it brightened to naked eye brightness.It is a short period comet with a period of 7.43 years. More recently it has been much fainter and is presently mag 10.6 on this return and predicted to not get significantly brighter. The body of the comet is thought to be about 3.5 km in diameter. The comet's position shown in comments.

see: www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=14967

This notice describes a "slow moving cloud of debris moving in the anti solar direction ten days after the outburst" time shown in this image.

A 300 sec luminance capture with iTelescope T11. A 20 inch Planewave CDK.


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