29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2018-Nov-21 Charles Bell

Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on 2018-Nov-21 about a day before an outburst
J. F. Soulier and A. Maury reported a brightening of ~ 3 magnitudes of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on 2018-11-21.995 UT or 2018-Nov-21 23:52:48 UT from W96 San Pedro d'Atacama Chili.

2018-Nov-21 02:00:45 UTC
Exposure 1800 seconds
Sky motion: 0.079"/min P.A. 081.9 deg
R magnitude 16.2 aperture radius = 10.3 arcsec (UCAC4)
Afrho 983 cm rho 40728 km
Central condensation 9 arc sec diameter
Coma 2.3 arcmin x 1.4 arcmin that fans out widely across PA 095
Charles Bell H47 Vicksburg
0.3-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD + R filter
Image ArcSinh(x) stretched in Fits Liberator, cropped and annotated in PphotoShop

MPC and JPL Ephemeris data:
t - T = -106.67378 days
Object Azimuth 031 deg Altitude +53 deg
Moon phase = 0.94 Distance = 050 deg Alt +52 deg
Delta = 5.452 AU
r = 5.769 AU

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