C/2021 A1 (Leonard) 2022-Jan-06 Mike Olason

Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) on the evening of 2022 January 6 UT was about the same magnitude as last evening. Astrometrica calculated magnitudes of V=6.5 for 10x20s green filter images at 0134UT and V=6.4 for 10x20s images with no filter at 0138UT. Internet problems did not allow GAIA DR2 to complete downloads again, not sure why, I could download GAIA DR2 data for 108P. Usually the G magnitudes are about 0.3 magnitudes brighter than the V magnitudes as calculated by Astrometrica on my images. Coma and Tail measurements are not possible at these lower altitudes now unless the skies are very clear and my neighbor's lights burn out.

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